The Dome
Known as Old Adrasteia to some, The Dome has done their best to distance themselves from that name. In no small part due to their unstable history with their sister settlement, Adrasteia.
- Malasa Salaus
- Jake Rothman
- Extin Rivius (Deceased)
A Promising Beginning
The Dome, originally known as Adrasteia, was established in 2126 after the relatively successful colonization of Aite by way of Valarmi. Originally a unified council endeavor to produce a high-grade research facility, the Dome saw heavy use during the seven years that followed.
The Dome saw so much use, in fact, that it quickly found itself facing the problem of self sustainability. While the Dome was built to house around-the-clock staff, given the scale and growth of the colony, the infrastructure just wasn't there to sustain such a large population long-term. Resources needed to be delivered from off-world or siphoned from Valarmi to keep the Dome running. To correct this problem, in 2131 the city that came to take on the name of Adrasteia was established to support the Dome.
Designed as a place for residents of the Dome to call home and house their families as well as being built from the ground up with the infrastructure to support the growth of food, Adrasteia was a large, expensive project that seemed to be the answer to the problem the Dome faced.
Backing Out
In 2133, when Aite declared its independence from the Council, the Dome found itself in a difficult position. Without the Council's funding, many of the Dome's inhabitants capable of doing so, abandoned the project to return to Council space. Those without the means or opportunity to do the same were left behind. During this period, an asari researcher by the name of Malasa Salaus remained behind and stepped up to take charge of the colony in their time of need.
Forging Ahead
Over the coming years, Malasa Salaus did her best to keep the Dome functioning. Adrasteia- which was supposed to be the Dome's source of sustainability- wasn't fairing any better without the Council's funding, so the inhabitants of the Dome were mostly left to fend for themselves. With their wealth of high grade equipment, they found success in renting out space to third party companies seeking a place to conduct research without all of the red tape that comes with operating in Council space. Under Salaus' leadership, the Dome found its way through many difficult times.
Someone Else's Cross To Bare
In 2184 a man by the name of Bryan Cross made a successful power play for control of Adrasteia. This brought about its own set of benefits and complications for the Dome. They were once again able to open a line of trade directly with Adrasteia without having to work with the criminals and warlords that previously occupied the city which helped to supplement their own supplies. Unfortunately, given Cross' efforts to push the criminal element out of Adrasteia, many of them found their way to the Dome under the unified leadership of a turian named Mertius Sarantine.
Under Siege
Finding themselves surrounded by Sarantine's crew, the inhabitants of the Dome sought to end the conflict quickly. Extin Rivius- the Dome's chief of security- made a compromise with Sarantine and his people allowing them to take refuge in the prefabricated buildings surrounding the Dome so long as they made no attempt to breach the Dome's walls.
Enemy Of My Enemy
In October of 2185 the Dome suffered an attack. What seemed to be retaliation targeting Sarantine and his people found Chief Rivius caught in the crossfire. With their longtime security chief- as well as a well respected member of their community- gone, the Dome did their best to pick up the pieces. Chief Rivius' apprentice and long-time residence of the Dome, Jake Rothman, stepped up to take on the role of his mentor.