[hide]- 1 Drinks
- 1.1 Akantha
- 1.2 Asari Honey Mead
- 1.3 Batarian Ale
- 1.4 Batarian Shard Wine
- 1.5 Bina
- 1.6 Blue Thessia
- 1.7 Burukh
- 1.8 Drossix Blue
- 1.9 Elasa
- 1.10 Full Biotic Kick
- 1.11 Heat Sink
- 1.12 Horosk
- 1.13 Noverian Rum
- 1.14 Paragade
- 1.15 Perfection
- 1.16 Quad Kicker
- 1.17 Ryncol
- 1.18 Serrice Ice Brandy
- 1.19 Thessian Temple
- 1.20 Tupari
- 1.21 Turian Brandy
- 1.22 Warp Cola
- 1.23 Weeping Heart
- 2 Food
- 3 Drugs
A popular brand of asari liquor renowned for its warm, smoky flavor and sweet aftertaste, that cuts down hangovers.
Asari Honey Mead
A sweet, mellow drink. Rare, and very expensive. Made by an Ardat-Yakshi monastery.
Batarian Ale
A strong drink. Bright green. Inadvisable to be drunk uncut by humans.
Batarian Shard Wine
A batarian alcoholic beverage.
A volus drink. It has an alcoholic ammonia mixture and may be borderline toxic to humans.
Blue Thessia
Asari liqueur often used for mixing drinks.
A krogan drink. It is set on fire first, then put out, then drank while still hot.
Drossix Blue
A dextro drink.
A pale green drink brewed on Thessia, nicknamed "Sorrow's Companion". It is described as initially sharp and cold, though not unpleasant. By contrast, the aftertaste is described as strong and lingering with a bitter flavor and an undertone of tangy sweetness.
Full Biotic Kick
It is made from bourbon, Tuchanka dry, twist of orange, and ginger beer to fill.
Heat Sink
A common cocktail. Available in both levo and dextro.
A hard turian drink, also consumable by quarians.
Noverian Rum
Rare but popular rum.
A sports drink.
A human cocktail containing strawberry liqueur.
Quad Kicker
It contains spiced rum, bourbon and ginger ale.
An extremely potent krogan liquor. Very acidic and slightly radioactive. Potentially unsafe for consumption for less sturdy species. The sensation of drinking it has been described by non-krogan as "swallowing ground glass".
Serrice Ice Brandy
An expensive asari brandy. Blue.
Thessian Temple
A mild asari drink.
A very popular sports drink. Tupari is made from 10% real tupo berry juice and has no natural sweeteners. Recently it is made available in a variant containing dextro-amino acids. It induces a euphoric effect for ten minutes after drinking, and it costs 1 credit a bottle. Especially popular among salarians.
Turian Brandy
Dextro brandy enjoyed by turians and quarians.
Warp Cola
A popular, heavily caffeinated soda.
Weeping Heart
A martini with mild drell-skin venom.
Asari Honey-Marinade
Made by an Ardat-Yakshi monastery.
A sweet, tasty, high-sucrose, chocolate breakfast cereal with dehydrated potato snacks. It exists in both dextro and levo-protein brands.
A popular, popcorn-like dextro snack.
A breed of blooming high-protein celery developed and grown in quarian liveships.
A root grown by krogan. It takes a considerable amount of time to chew through it.
Nutrient Paste
A common processed food that prioritizes cheap and easy nutrients over flavor. Many space stations and urban colonies turn food waste into nutrient paste for consumption by poorer residents. Also commonly consumed by quarians, and those without easy access to better foods, such military personnel, spacers and first-wave colonists.
Pyjak Meat
Usually relegated to varren feed due to its stringy texture and unappetizing taste, but is commonly eaten by the poorer population on infested space stations. Also used for sauce in traditional krogan cuisine.
Space Cow Meat
One of the most common meats in colonial space due to the easy of breeding space cows in varied environments. Somewhat similar to terran beef in texture and flavor, although most humans prefer the real deal.
Varren Meat
Traditionally consumed by krogan, varren meat is popular in the Terminus, especially in jerky, kebab and char-grilled forms. Generally not sold in Citadel Space. Has a gamey taste with elements of fish.
A powerful new hallucinogenic drug. Creeper forms as a dust-like mold on some strains of the high-nutrition vine ossilbir which have been grown on the human colony world of Sathur. Consumption of small quantities of this mold causes the user to experience "potent visions" or "colorful daydreams", allegedly with no ill side-effects. Since creeper was not discovered until after Sathur started growing ossilbir in late 2185, medical experts have not had a chance to study the long-term effects of using the drug.
A controlled substance which induces heightened senses and extreme euphoria in those who dose themselves with it. Hallex is taken in pill form.
An illegal chemical that enhances biotics. It is delivered in gas form, and is red in color. Inflated confidence and aggression accompanies the enhanced biotic powers. Large doses can be lethal.
A hanar drug. A fish with hallucinogenic skin oil that is consumed. The effects are stronger when consumed by other species.
A biotic suppressant secretly developed by Cerberus.
Red Sand
A stimulant with biotic-enhancing properties. Its abuse is disproportionately high among non-biotic friends and relatives of biotics, often out of a misguided desire to understand what their loved ones are experiencing. Red sand was originally created by criminal triads on Mars from refined element zero, and takes its name from the planet. When taken nasally, red sand creates a brief but intense euphoria, and gives the user very short-term telekinetic biotic abilities. Side effects include red-tinting of the user's vision, discolouration of the teeth and longer-term withdrawal symptoms. Red sand is normally sold in small bags. The slang expression for using it is "dusting up" or being "sand-blasted". Only humans are susceptible to its effects.
A complex synthetic chemical that improves short-term memory and mental focus in humans.