Thiago Mendez

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Thiago Mendez
Alias None
Species Human
Gender Male
Age 33
Birthdate June 11th, 2152
Birthplace Mars
Current Residence Freedom Falls, Aite
Height 198cm (6'6")
Build Muscular
Hair Mohawk Black
Markings ???
Eye Color Brown
Skin Color Tan
Occupation Field agent for Redrock Agency
Relationships None
Status Active
Player Dante
"You're a curt bastard, you know that right?"
Nathan Tennhausen

Mendez is a mercenary who works for Redrock Agency.


Mendez is a mountain of a man. Standing at around 6'6 and over 300lbs of muscle, he looks more like a krogan than a human. His hair is styled into a short mohawk with an intricate tribal design shaved into the stubble on the back and sides of his head. This tribal design continues with a tattoo that travels down his neck, disappearing into his hardsuit. A matching motif decorates his black hardsuit, with a custom white tribal pattern adorning the chestplate, back, and shoulders of the hardsuit.


Early Life




