Skipping Work

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On the cold winter morning of October 22, 2185, Va'ynna did not show up for work. When she was half an hour late without answering calls, Aylena contacted Victoria to ask if Va'ynna was home. After contacting and not getting any more answers from Uvena, she began investigating the path Va'ynna takes to work. That search did not provide any useful information, however.

Redrock Agency got involved shortly afterwards, and starte by investigating a grocery store along Va'ynna's path to work and they got some security footage of the kidnapping. While there was little to go on, Mendez recognized one of the armored figures. That knowledge took them to Avoren Security's office outside of Linissa, and due to a managment dispute, Redrock gained control of the building without sustaining any injureis. There, they found informationleading them to the kidnappers.

Armed with this new lead, they made haste towards their hideout. Avoren's people were quickly overwhelmed by Redrock's greater number and element of surprise. Redrock killed all but one of the hostiles and extracted Va'ynna. She was unharmed, but the conditions of her captivity had caused her to suffer mild-to-moderate hypothermia. She was taken to Redrock's offices, where she chose to spend more than a week. From the intel gathered, they still had one lead: Sala Piros. They got a chance to speak with Sala with Renala's help, but did not learn anything conclusive about her motive. Sala offered a contract on Wenera Leren, but Jason refused to go through with it. Instead, he went to the Respite and warned her. Sala is still at large.


Redrock Agency

Avoren Security



Late for Work

Retreading Her Path


Following the Lead

Avoren Siege



No Deal