Aylena: Legal Battle
Aylena: Legal Battle | |
IC Start Date | October 19, 2185 |
IC End Date | November 7, 2185 |
OOC Start Date | June 9, 2016 |
OOC End Date | December 27, 2016 |
GM | Gisle |
Aylena failed to hide from her past, which seems insistent on taking her life. Her enemies have only grown more desperate as the court date drew closer.
Next chapter: Aylena: Court Date
Redrock Agency
F.F. Militia
- Mian T'Veki
- 2 unnamed turians
Wrong Place & Time
Timeline / Brief Summary
- Midday October 19, 2185, a young asari by the name of Lema T'Vynas showed up at the Miner's Respite with a gun. She was talked down by Philip, Steve and Gren and offered protection.
- A short while later, a sniper takes a shot at Aylena, and two others break in through the garage. Reinforcements then show up. Leah pursued the sniper, while Uvena and Halisi went in through the garage. Leah catches the sniper and interrogates him, but he slips out of her grasp. The other two attackers are killed. Militia secure the surrounding area, injured are attended to, and the situation calms down.
- On November 7, Ehanis and Sioria encounter Lema in the woods outside Road's End and her pursuer. The child gets thrown into a structure and injured, and the pursuer gets away after a short battle. Redrock secures the zone and performs medevac.
- Later that day, the Miner's Respite is again attacked by the hostile asari from the forest encounter. Reinforcement (Leah and Jason) were already on the way, while off-duty personnel at the Miner's Respite (Nathan and Zaylus) did their part in the fight. The asari was taken out non-lethally in the corridor behind the bar, but Aylena suffered a life-threatening injury.
- After the attacker and Aylena recovered enough to talk, they were both interrogated by Nathan and Jason. Aylena did explain her situation with the lawsuit and the security company, while Esseria (the attacker) did her best to give her side of the story.
- Some days later, Esseria (the attacker) was discharged from the hospital, and exiled from Freedom Falls
First Strike
It was just another day at the Respite when a young asari by the name of Lema stood up from her booth and went up to point a weapon at Aylena who was standing behind the bar at the time. Va'ynna was working in the kitchen then and was not witness to it. Gren, Steve and Philip sprung to action and it did not take much convincing for the girl to throw her weapon and ask for help.
She explained that she had taken an easy job for a stranger that approached her on the street. A picture of Aylena (she called her Janysa Aehan) to confirm that she knew her and she would get five thousand credits. Then the parameters changed, and she was asked to shoot the bartender, or they'll kill her too. She managed to make a call to her employer who was frustrated with the lack of results, offering an implied warning to the others in the room that they were about to attack.
The first sign of trouble was the loss of the garage camera, and they could not get Aylena out of the bar until a sniper tried to take a shot at her. It grazed her crests, causing her to lose balance. The sniper did not take additional shots after Gren got her out of the bar, leaving Steve as the only point of contact for the cowering civilians. Philip called for reinforcements, to which Redrock sent Leah, Uvena and Halisi.
Then the garage door was breached, and an asari and a turian went through. The militia was gathering outside there too, but they did not try to enter the building yet. Halisi and Uvena also went in on that side. Leah, however, went to pursue the salarian sniper. She chased him down and captured him, and he answered a few questions, but he slipped out of her grasp before she managed to get him back to the Respite.
The turian in the garage was taken down first, but the asari proved to be a much more resilient and dangerous fighter. She even feigned a surrender once to get into the Respite, but Gren was not unbalanced and killed her. Philip was concussed in the krogan biotic's previous attempt to get her to the ground. Halisi and Uvena caught up to them, and the doctor was very appalled by how the krogan had killed the asari attacker, but she focused on getting Philip back to his feet.
Mian then went into the Respite to get a read on the situation for the militia, and Steve gave her the information they needed. Two of the attackers were dead, and the sniper was still at large. The salarian sniper's body would later turn up, killed by an off-duty militiaman.
- #Miner's Respite - June 9, 2016
- #Miner's Respite - June 10, 2016
- #Miner's Respite - June 14, 2016
- #Miner's Respite - June 15, 2016
- #Miner's Respite - June 16, 2016
- #Miner's Respite - June 17, 2016
Hike in the Woods
It has been a few weeks now since the attack at the Respite, and Ehanis was going out for a walk with Sioria in the woods near Road's End – where Ehanis lived at the time. It was pleasant despite the frigid -15°C temperature, and they spent a while exploring and talking. Ehanis had just returned from an expedition to Rakhana.
Then, out of the blue, a young asari came running through the woods towards them. She did not look like she was running from someone at the time, and they raised their guard for whatever she had planned. It became obvious what she was running from when she stumbled and an asari decloaked above her with a boot on her back. Ehanis and Sioria did not want to stand around and decided to call out the asari and tell her to fight something her size.
The attacker scoffed at the underequipped pair, but they did draw her attention away from the child at the moment. Ehanis did not know the advanced barrier like her sister, so she did the next best thing and used a personal barrier to keep Sioria safe behind her so the turian could fire back at the asari. Ehanis sustained a shoulder injury when her barrier drained faster than she could replenish it, but it was enough for Sioria to disarm the other asari.
There was no surrender, however. Instead, she used her biotics to pick up the child she was pursuing and threw her into the supports of the nearby watchtower, and then used a tactical cloak and a concussion grenade to disturb enough snow to cover her escape further. Sioria tended to Ehanis' injury first and then contacted Redrock while Ehanis saw to the asari child.
Redrock then secured the site and provided first aid and medevac for the asari child. Both Ilyna and Ehanis recognized her as Lema, the child of one of Ehanis' neighbors. The name rung familiar to Jason too, naturally, and he was interested to find out what this was about.
- #FreedomFalls - December 8, 2016
- #FreedomFalls - December 11, 2016
- #FreedomFalls - December 14, 2016
- #Hospital - December 16, 2016
No Respite
It did not take long between the incident in the woods before the same asari showed up at the Miner's Respite. She set her sights on Aylena within a minute of stepping inside and pulled the trigger twice before anyone could react. Yan Sun fired an overload towards her while she attempted to escape, breaking her cloak.
Reinforcements were already on their way as Jason had learned from Lema that this was related to the previous troubles. Zaylus and Nathan were already there but off duty. Jason ran around the building to cover the back exit, while Leah went through the front door. The three then pursued the attacker, but Leah stayed behind to stabilize Aylena as her injuries were quite severe. Zaylus was thrown back out by a well-placed biotic throw, but Nathan managed to throw off her aim and overwhelm her before she could mount a counterattack.
She then surrendered and was taken to the hospital along with Aylena.
Later the same day, the asari attacker and Aylena were awake enough to be questioned. Halisi was with them in the hospital and listened in on both interrogations.
Jason and Nathan started with the former and asked her a few questions about her quarrel with Lema and Aylena. She was not very forthcoming about the asari child, but she explained that her company was in a lawsuit with Aylena's on Illium that they saw no possibility of winning, and she feared she would have to spend the entire remainder of her maiden years in servitude to pay off the debt.
They were frustrated with Aylena, who had not been honest with Redrock Agency about her situation as it affected their work at the Miner's Respite. She was initially unhelpful, but when pressed, started to describe the situation in its entirety. She had close ties with Farik Oritern, but for reasons unexplained, turned down an offer to work with his company to provide security to her business properties on Illium.
This court case sought reparations and punishment for destroying two hundred years of work, and the damage to her and her employees. The problem was, that she needed to build the case safely, and running to Freedom Falls and setting herself up with a false name was the best plan at the time. However, she failed to predict the defendants' next steps at every turn, which almost cost her her life.
She promised to keep Jason in the loop if anything develops that would affect his work, and to compensate for any additional security measures that Redrock deems necessary in the meantime.